Then Youtube vids started popping up on his celery juice program, purported to reverse a wide range of health conditions, and I watched a few of them. The program couldn't be simpler -- juice and drink a head of celery every day before you eat or drink anything else. And then give it some time to do it's magic before consuming anything else.
Williams claims it's important that it be only celery juice, which is typically juiced with a mix of veggies, and maybe a bit of lemon, apple and ginger for flavor. He is quite adamant on this point, saying the pure celery juice is much more effective in reversing poor health conditions than a mix of veggies/fruits.
One continues this program until all poor health conditions are reversed and normal robust health ensues. One can also continue the daily celery juice program indefinitely.
Williams has several books, I haven't read any of them yet. I have researched him a bit, on his website I viewed the intro vid, and watched a few Youtube interviews with him. Basically he claims to have been given the gift of mysticism from an early age (5 if I recall), when he began hearing a voice telling him what was wrong with people's health, and what they could do about it.
There is no way of verifying a claim like that, but his basic message is "whole plant foods are the cause of health", a message that goes all the way back to Hippocrates, with many iterations along the way saying the same thing, most recently an increasing number of MDs reversing diseases and getting patients off of "life-time" prescriptions.
With a message that simple, that clear, and that effective, I'm inclined to think Williams is in some kind of conversation with higher power. And the mysticism "container" for the message is clearly resonating with a huge population of folks who might not otherwise be exposed to it. You go Dude!
Now, what about this idea that pure celery juice every day first thing reverses disease and restores health? First, let's establish one thing, there's no harm in it, the first principle of healing "first do no harm".
Williams says the unique combination of celery salts cleanses and renews the liver, a critical detoxification organ.
I can't comment on that, but I will say the whole food plant based diet is predicated in no small part on the idea whole foods present macro and micronutrients to the body in their most bioavailable form, and concentrated forms of sugars, fats, and salts should be eliminated from the diet.
Curious, I've done the celery juice first thing myself for 5 days, and I can think of a few other reasons this program could be very beneficial.
I tend to skip breakfast most days (easy intermittent fast method), and some days the celery juice was later, and some earlier. In both cases I noticed a marked reduction in hunger in spite of the fact one large head of celery juiced affords about 2.5 cups of juice, which according to is 50 whole calories (click to enlarge):
That ain't many calories! But somehow my appetite is quenched for hours. Maybe there is mystical power in celery juice. Or perhaps 50 calories is not sufficient to kick start glucose metabolism for the day, and the detox period extends a bit longer.
So perhaps a key benefit is appetite suppression, not a bad thing in a culture of overconsumption.
In addition, you are consuming a high level of micronutrients relative to number of calories (click to enlarge):
So perhaps another benefit is higher quality of micronutrients, and in a higher ratio to calories, both key concepts in the WFPB disease reversal diet.
Quality of celery counts, I've found good quality in the Foxy organic brand available in many supermarkets.
Type of juicer makes a difference too (but use what you have), there is nearly universal agreement the best juicer for leafy greens and veggies in general is the masticating type, here's an excellent choice:
Omega Masticating Juicer

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