Monday, April 20, 2015

MicroBiome , the latest thing

Recent research is showing a very important part of health - the diversity, vigor, and balance of our gut flora - is compromised by modern living in post industrial societies. We've variously known this anecdotally for the millennia, but it hasn't been common knowledge in recent decades. If you've heard the term "leaky gut syndrome" then you have some exposure to this concept already. If you understand the importance of healthy gut flora, and understand how the body heals from the opposite condition, then you also understand the anecdotal (can we say real world?) perspective on the importance of healthy gut flora.... it is thought to be the foundation mechanism to our varied and diverse immune functions (referred to as our "immune system").

Here is a news article on this recent research

and here is a very interesting audio interview from NPR with the lead scientist in this study

and to conclude, a brief youtube video by Dr Michael Klapper of the Truenorth Health Center in California on leaky gut, how we get it, and how we heal it

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