Monday, April 21, 2014

yeah Bucky, that's what i'm talkin bout:)

Raw 80/10/10 (the fruit based version of 80/10/10) is a more efficient (orchards vs field crops) use of land/water resource (calorie yield per acre) than any other large scale feeding system. Meat production is least efficient, most polluting, and least healthy.

With orchard's much higher yield (calorie/acre) mass organic becomes increasingly viable.

Not only is calorie yield maxed, so is micro nutrient yield (raw fruits and veggies have the highest nutrition yield per calorie, and in correct proportions for optimum human health).

The efficiency numbers are not complicated. Maybe the lead engineering types (brainy boyz) in big ag/chem/pharma/medicine don't see this yet... or maybe they do, and that's why there's so much obfuscation of simple reality:

Global pollution goes way down

Chemical production goes way down

Global health goes way up

Medical/chemical/pharma system shrinks

But da boyz have a vested interest in disease, with the disease delivery system signed sealed and locked in place.

So let's get the word out Bucky:)

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