This is worth reviewing for the single reason the same type of safety signals occurring in this children's trial were also occurring in large numbers during the initial mRNA rollout that we were told were safe and effective.
Let that sink in for a moment. Safety signals were occurring in large numbers all over the developed world (where the vaxx was primarily targeted) and we were not told this by the authorities at the time. Or since then for that matter. But now this trial in infants is halted and publicly announced.
IMHO we cannot say this worldwide disaster was caused by science since the actual rules of science were not followed. I think we can say however that rules are rarely followed when giant profits are in the mix.
But it does make one wonder how the medicopharma industry was able to rationalize this rollout, and why early seroprevalence studies were ignored that showed conclusively this virus was primarily dangerous to the elderly and infirm, and the odds of children being hospitalized by the virus were an effective zero.
And now in this honest study of children we see the mRNA itself is causing all the damage. Does that also implicate the initial rollout given to a few billion earthlings? If you are curious about that you may want to watch this conversation about ongoing studies on that topic, but be forewarned this information is very disturbing.
Ed Dowd speaking with Brett Weinstein:
We've arrived at a strange place in the history of civilization, where medical injuries of this scale were somehow rationalized, and allowed.
John Campbell again, in a refresher on where things stand at this point in time: