Thursday, August 31, 2023

90 year old William Shatner went to space - this is what he said on return

 “Last year, I had a life-changing experience at 90 years old. I went to space, after decades of playing an iconic science-fiction character who was exploring the universe. I thought I would experience a deep connection with the immensity around us, a deep call for endless exploration.

"I was absolutely wrong. The strongest feeling, that dominated everything else by far, was the deepest grief that I had ever experienced.

"I understood, in the clearest possible way, that we were living on a tiny oasis of life, surrounded by an immensity of death. I didn’t see infinite possibilities of worlds to explore, of adventures to have, or living creatures to connect with. I saw the deepest darkness I could have ever imagined, contrasting so starkly with the welcoming warmth of our nurturing home planet.

"This was an immensely powerful awakening for me. It filled me with sadness. I realized that we had spent decades, if not centuries, being obsessed with looking away, with looking outside. I did my share in popularizing the idea that space was the final frontier. But I had to get to space to understand that Earth is and will stay our only home. And that we have been ravaging it, relentlessly, making it uninhabitable."
-- William Shatner, actor

The fantasy our species is going to survive by leaving a planet with temporarily diminished capacity for generating biology, and go to a planet with zero capacity for generating biology, is proof biology is massively underappreciated. The fact biology exists at all is a nearly incomprehensible miracle. Perhaps the incomprehensibility of it explains how otherwise smart humans think living life on a non-biological rock is even possible.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

How Do Gorillas Get Heart Disease?

What do scientists think about species specific diets? A Google search doesn't turn up that much, which is a bit odd since species specific diets are a critical component in the cause of health in every species.

Looking into this I came across something I was unaware of: 40 percent of gorillas in captivity die of heart disease. That's pretty close to the percent of Americans that die of heart disease, about 33%.

I learned that muscular, vegetarian gorillas may seem less likely than humans to have cardiovascular disease, but it’s the leading cause of death for captive apes in North American zoos.

Humm, also the leading cause of death in the US.

And I learned based on studies of gut bacteria and other factors, researchers at zoos are rethinking the types and quantities of food given to great apes, including shifting from processed nutrient biscuits to the kinds of shoots and fruits wild gorillas eat. 

Nutrient biscuits? What the heck is that? Gorilla kibble made in a lab?

Humm, come to think of it I used to eat "fortified" biscuits. And fortified breakfast cereal, and fortified bread, juice, milk etc. 

How is it at this late stage of scientific progress are we still so regressed on optimal nutrition to not realize it is simply the diet humans were bio-adapted to when we physiologically modern humans first appeared about 150,000 years ago. Which is, by the way, about 138,000 years before agriculture and civilization began! Which means we only shifted from hunter-gathering to making settlements about 12,000 years ago.

But we arrived in current human form about 150,000 years ago. So physiology changes very slowly. And so our species specific diet is about 150,000 years old.

And of course we have tried mightily to improve on it! We discovered vitamins about 100 years ago, and it was widely assumed we had hit on the way to end all disease with highly concentrated nutrients derived from foods. Unfortunately it didn't turn out that way, "derived" vitamins have been found in study after study to not be nearly as effective as "nested" vitamins (those contained in whole foods). 

But we humans are stubborn, we don't let go of technologically derived ideas easily. Wide spread adoption of supplementation occurred in the 1970's, perhaps not coincidentally in the same time frame as the acceleration of declining health in the US population.

We humans tend to confuse and conflate progress and evolution greatly. Progress is technological and evolution is biological. And progress is very fast and evolution is very slow. I am not against technology, but I am for knowing what is good for us and what is bad for us. When technology is marketed to us as a shortcut to health, it pays to remember our 150,000 year old physiology wants (and needs) real whole foods grown in nature.

I also came across when googling Gorillas and heart disease that
Becky Malinsky, curator of primates at the Smithsonian National Zoo, says her team has trained its gorillas to cooperate with heart ultrasounds and other data-gathering procedures. The veterinarians send the information they collect to the Great Ape Heart Project, a collaborative program based at Zoo Atlanta.

To which I might gently say: you're over thinking this Becky! We know from observing gorillas in wild settings what they choose to eat:

Fruits and vegetables. Just give them that.

Incidentally, humans also do very well with a diet centered on fruits and vegetables. Probably not a coincidence.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Why You *Need To* Exercise for Proper Nutrition

I've posted a few videos featuring Dr Peter Attila recently, who introduces us to the idea that exercise is more effective at creating robust health than anything else. And what is robust health? It's a lot of things, great energy and great mood among them, but you also become very disease resistant, which of course increases your odds of greater longevity by some exponential.

So Attia, who is a longevity expert, credits exercise for longevity. But what is the mechanism for exercise inducing longevity?

Dr Doug Graham explains that mechanism here:

Sunday, August 20, 2023

British Medical Journal - Plant-based diets and COVID-19 severity

The full title of the paper and link where you may download the full paper:

The abstract's conclusion:

Conclusion In six countries, plant-based diets or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19. These dietary patterns may be considered for protection against severe COVID-19.

Humm. Well as a plant based person my personal experience would agree with this paper. I did get sick one time during the pandemic, coming down with pityriasis rosea immediately after the first dose of the Moderna mRNA. I had never heard of it, and at the time when looking it up it was "extremely rare" but now it is "relatively common", and has been cited as being relatively common during the pandemic.

Double humm...I never contracted the virus, but I did have 1 dose of the mRNA.

I have a hard time calling the mRNA a real vaccine at this point. It does not stop infection or spread, and the VAERS injury reports are exponentially greater than would have shut down any previous vaccine program immediately.

Tell me again why congress conferred indemnification on BigP?

Anyway, the condition lasted approximately 6 weeks and my energy was zapped for the duration, and my pandemic energy levels had been very high to that point. One physician said I should consider not getting a second dose of the mRNA, and the dermatologist who diagnosed the condition said I definitely should get the second dose. Well I had decided before either comment not to get another mRNA, thank you very much.

And you know, I now think we the public may have been subjected to brainwashing campaigns about vaccines. There was a huge uproar after mothers with autistic children began noticing a corollary with vaccines and the onset of autism. Mothers typically have very high levels of intuition relative to their children, and BigP produces one fake study after another when profits are threatened by injuries caused by their drugs. 

It is also not out of the question that the number of mothers reporting injuries to their children during that period reached a level of statistical significance.

And now with pharma indemnification broadcast TV is FLOODED with pharmacological drug commercials. That used to be illegal, and now the US is the only country in the world that allows it.

Let's not forget that pharma products are toxic, they all have side effects. Let's also not forget that persistent toxic inputs destroy health...gradually at first, then quickly. And that real food is the only non-toxic substance we should be putting in.

And perhaps as the paper above suggests, plant based diets are the realist of the real foods.

Definition of realist:

A person who accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly.

Good health to you.

Friday, August 18, 2023

YouTube and Side Effect Pharma

YouTube follows us around. The algo "feeds" us the things we are interested in, which puts us in a "silo" of sorts, that some call an echo chamber reinforcing what we already believe.

I will also argue the advent of the internet has accelerated the pace of learning by some exponential. People warn the internet is full of crazy stuff, which is true, but it is also a vehicle for thoughtful content. Choose wisely.

I've just come across a guy who sells supplements, but he also advocates a whole foods diet. And when we eat a whole foods diet of sufficient variety we get the nutrients needed automatically, and they will be of much higher quality than the derived variety. Nutrients work in concert in a whole food to become more effective and powerful.

So perhaps he is using supplements more sparingly and effectively. He is also no fan of pharmacological drugs in general, so I would say he is generally aware of the true causes of health.

So why am I bringing this up? I think he has done a couple of videos that are informative and important. The first linked below describes the common use in drug studies of relative risk to inflate the actual benefit of the drug, as opposed to absolute risk, which states the actual statistical risk reduction of a pharmacological drug. He describes the difference between relative and absolute in a very clear way, which is most helpful.

Consider this: if the pharmacology industry was required by law to report absolute risk as opposed to relative risk? Well, the pharma industry would no longer be "big". It's a money making scheme politicians are on board with. There are two problems with that:

1) This approach is mostly responsible for the great collapse in the health of US citizens. Of course there will be great debate on this mounted by the folks on the gravy train, so consider the source.

2) It's fraud. Legalized fraud, but still fraud. The gravy train passengers are making big money on disease, and operating on a "revenue growth" model, which when successful increases rates of disease in the population exponentially.

The other video is very controversial having to do with the many studies clearly showing the mRNA approach we were exposed to as the remedy to Covid was responsible for greatly increased rates of myocardial injury.

I feel this is very important also. It's been difficult coming to grips with the result of pharmacology becoming "big". We've been thrown into a dangerous parallel universe of greed, corruption, and declining health. Yes it is difficult, but health is the thing everything else is built on. Coming to grips with it is important.

I also want to add there are good things that come out of pharmacology. The problem is the ratio of good to bad has gone strongly negative.

How do we protect ourselves?

Consume whole foods and move our bodies so we won't need pharmacology nearly as much (if at all), and become educated and informed as to the dangers of "side effect pharma".

And if we do this most of our working doctors will thank us for bringing integrity back into medicine. What a nice idea that is...

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Emotional Health

Rich Roll Tim Ferris

Rich Roll Paul Conti

Monday, August 14, 2023


Everyone I have come into contact with (hundreds) who have done an SOS free whole food plant based diet has lost ALL the excess weight and kept it off. That is a wee bit better than the "normal" 5% success rate.

So what is it?

It is the species specific diet for humans.

"SOS free" is no added sugar, oil or salt.

We get the amounts of sugars, fats and sodium our species is biologically adapted to from the variety of whole plants we consume.

We've lost sight of the fact we have a species specific diet, but every species has a species specific diet, including us. "In the wild" it is the only diet available. We humans are complex, "innovation" and what our body needs for health are not always compatible.

In an SOS free WFPB diet we choose all of our foods from these food groups:

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts and seeds.

We shop for the qualities responsible for health in no particular order of priority: fresh, ripe, raw, whole, organic.

Shopping for the best produce is a skill that increases over time: look, smell, touch.

The SOS free WFPB diet is logistically simple and causes hormone regulation to occur, and along with that natural mood elevation.

"Feels good feels better than tastes good tastes" is the hook that works.

The bonus is fresh whole foods without sugar, oil and salt began to taste better than the "normal" diet. Our taste buds have been oversaturated and put to sleep.

The thing that is most difficult about reversing obesity is psychological: 

On a deeply unconscious level we associate the SAD (standard american diet) we consumed as young developing children with survival. We are, in a real sense, "addicted", and when we internalize this knowledge we develop a much higher probability of regaining our health.

As the weight comes off our energy returns in proportion, and our body will WANT to move. Movement becomes play, not work.

And with naturally balanced hormonal regulation and increased energy our mood elevates naturally.

And we tend to no longer "need" prescribed life-time pharmacologicals.

And we become physically and emotionally healthy.

It makes sense that when we put the foods in our body that we are biologically adapted to we become healthy and happy.

Because the food we put in is the FUEL that drives every biophysiological function in our body/brain 24/7/365 from birth to death.

The quality of fuel is everything.