Sunday, July 30, 2023

The ONE thing that's increasing your chance of early-death by 170.8% !

Dr. Peter Attia is the life-extension doctor. He is neither vegan or animal based, but he is whole food based. I haven't been convinced by him to give up a plant based diet, but I have long thought if all we did is to consume an exclusively whole food diet we would be WAY ahead of the game.

The quality of the food we eat is the primary health consideration, and it is the cause of health, or the cause of disease, because it is the fuel for all the disease repair, and all the new tissue building processes, both of which are ongoing constantly and autonomically 24/7/365 birth to death.

It is almost inconceivable to me doctors used to say "diet doesn't matter" not all that long ago. And I still find it odd that so many doctors are visibly unhealthy themselves. What the heck are they learning in medical schools? 

But I am also encouraged that so many young doctors are very healthy to the point of athleticism. This new breed of doctor knows that pharmacology is not the cause of health, and that their medical school education is sorely lacking in that regard.

As long as we are breathing our body continuously vectors to health. When we put in toxic sludge however the body repair/build processes are directed primarily to the removal of that additional load. And our diets have been SO BAD the repair/build capacity is overwhelmed...and we develop chronic problems that make us miserable and put us in the ground prematurely.

What Peter Attia does is start with the base case of a non-toxic high nutrition diet and adds to that all the other things we can do to get to the very highest levels of health. This is all good information to be aware of also.


Concerns about the damage to the doctor and patient relationship around the developed world

In the video linked below two health care experts of long service share their concerns about the damage to the doctor - patient relationship around the developed world. Dr. Robert Clancy is a consultant physician and pioneering immunologist, professor of medicine, emeritus professor of pathology, doctor of medicine, doctor of philosophy and doctor of science, author, teacher, broadcaster and holder of the Order of Australia. And Dr John Campbell will be familiar to readers of this blog. 

And it is concerning, particularly as we consider the wrongheadedness of the entity responsible for that damage.

Let's first acknowledge there is much that is right in modern medicine. I'm pretty sure I would not still be here (more than once) if it were not for modern medicine. So let's give credit where it's due.

But let's also look frankly at the pharma industry, and the wrongheaded idea it's based upon that substances we are not biologically adapted to can be the cause of health in individuals and populations. If that idea were true, we here in the US who are prescribed and given the most pharma product of any population in the world, would be the healthiest population ever, but in fact we are the least healthy population in the history of the developed world.

And the increasingly dismal state of health in the US even includes children. The health of children in the US compared to the rest of the developed world is getting worse in epidemic proportions. This is largely caused by the toxic US diet relative to the diet of the rest of the developed world, but it is also statistically proportional to the increases of the number of vaccines school children are required to get to attend school. Again, vaccines are not food, they have no nutrition, and are "ipso facto" toxins.

But pharmaceuticals are an easy sell...a pill or shot to fix all! Reminds me a bit of the medicine shows of the wild west writ gargantuan.

Let me say here I was never a vaccine skeptic until the lockdowns and censorship of the pandemic. But I have long been a skeptic of the pharma industry in general, and it quickly became apparent to me (along with millions of others) there was something "very rotten in the state of Denmark", and the pharma industry was behind it.

And that has caused me to rethink my neutral stance on vaccines, and the massive shame campaign mounted by the pharma industry against mothers who were concerned in the tens of thousands that the proximity of vaccines to injuries in their children were not mere coincidence.

Pharma was also the entity that produced the studies that showed no causal correlation between increasing childhood vaccines and injuries. These sort of studies are expensive, and pharma can afford to mount them, and also have a vested interest.

Wait a minute...have a vested interest? How did we let that slip us by? Modern science has as it's fundamental plank the elimination of bias in research studies. That means vested interests cannot have ANY involvement with the studies. The argument "only pharma can afford them" is a completely invalid rationalization in the context of "real" science, which seems to have been decreasing massively in proportion to pharma funded medical research for a few decades now.

If we have the idea the US health agencies NIH CDC FDC are independent of pharma funding we are not up to speed yet to the degree of "capture" of the entire health care system from government agencies, to medical journals, to the education of MDs and nurses, and even the dispensaries, have been subject to. And then there's Congress.

All of this corruption might be said to have started with good enough intentions, that of keeping patients from being injured by quacks posing as health care experts, but it quickly became more about "protecting turf" than patients, and can be argued to have done far more harm than good. A study in 2016 by John Hopkins found "medical error" to be the third leading cause of death in the US.

In this context the word error may be too generous. Was the opioid epidemic an error? Or was outright fraud committed?

"16 Defendants, Including 12 Physicians, Sentenced to Prison for Distributing 6.6 Million Opioid Pills and Submitting $250 Million in False Billings.",16%20Defendants%2C%20Including%2012%20Physicians%2C%20Sentenced%20to%20Prison%20for%20Distributing,%24250%20Million%20in%20False%20Billings

And the opioid epidemic is the teeny tiny tip of a Titanic sized iceberg. How much fraud has the pharma industry been convicted of?

"From 1991 through 2017, a total of 412 settlements were reached between the federal and state governments and pharmaceutical manufacturers, for a total of $38.6 billion."

And here's the kicker: $38.6 billion is a drop in the bucket compared to the amounts pharma spends in the "capture" of the entire health care system and our legislative bodies.

Commercial interests, who for the most part believe their own bullshit, appear to be completely ignorant of the true cause of health, which is quite simple (and free), but rarely practiced. Yes, we all know it is diet and exercise along with a few other basic lifestyle practices. But fixing diet is first and primary, and without that done first nothing else can be fixed. The reason for that is food is the fuel for every process in your body and brain, which includes the "repair work" the body/brain does continuously 24/7/365 birth to death.

A big part of that work is the clearing of toxic waste, and when we knowingly or unknowingly consume toxins we "use up" so much of the body's limited capacity for cleaning and repairing, and then we fall rather quickly into a state of continuous disrepair. And that leads into a continuously deteriorating state of the misery of chronic disrepair, and a shortened healthy lifespan.

Modern pharmaceuticals can in some cases keep us alive for longer, the tradeoff being the last decades will not be good ones.

We avoid all that with real food that has two prerequisites: 1) a high nutrient to calorie ratio (no "empty calories"), and 2) an absence of toxicity.

These are almost the same thing, as the presence of toxicity degrades the nutrient to calorie ratio.

What are good foods? Whole, fresh, ripe, raw, and organic, in no particular order of priority...we look for foods that combine all of these qualities in the highest way available. Wilted organic lettuce is not better than crisp and juicy conventional lettuce, etc.

Good food begets high energy, health, and happiness. Foreign substances we are not biologically adapted to are by definition toxic because at the very least they displace nutrient rich whole foods.

If we can't kick the toxic addictions of crap foods, the pharmaceuticals dispensed from the entities that control the world to an ever greater degree may be the only option. But obviously, relative to health, disease is the worst option.sor Robert Clancy. Every time I learn so much. Robert is a consultant physician and pioneering immunologist, professor of medicine, emeritus professor of pathology, doctor of medicine, doctor of philosophy and doctor of science, author, teacher and broadcaster. Also holder of the Order of Austr

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

One in 35 - We may want to think twice before getting mRNA'd again

Dr John Campbell again, tracking the latest non-conflicted studies, this one from an independent Swiss cardiovascular research group at the Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research Institute in Basel, Switzerland.

Good to see not every medical research group in the world is "owned" by Big Pharma.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Leg cramps

A friend suggested pickle juice for leg cramps.

I used to get leg cramps at night, they were so painful I would have to jump out of bed (from a dead sleep), and hop around until the cramp went away. But then that muscle would still ache. 

I came across something that suggested electrolyte imbalance as the cause. It seems in my case (as an SOS free whole food plant based person) it was high potassium and low sodium. I don't know if that is always the imbalance for most people (I eat a lot of bananas, high in potassium), and whether any electrolyte imbalance can cause painful leg cramps, but I began eating a couple of sticks of celery (lots of sodium) when leg cramps woke me up, and I was able to go back to sleep for the rest of the night.

Pickles are cured in brine, which is very high in salt.

The reason SOS free WFPB people do not use concentrated salt is because it is unhealthy. We need sodium! But pure concentrated salt is way too much. The lethal dose of table salt is roughly 0.5-1g per kg of body weight, it's not as much as you'd think given how liberally we use pure sodium. The amount in the SAD diet is toxic, but not to the lethal point.

I have a vivid memory of the first time I ate something with a lot of table salt, i was so thirsty I couldn't drink enough water. The solution to pollution is dilution, thirst is a natural reflex.

In the rainforest, primates get most of their water from plant food, which means they can go days or weeks without directly drinking at all. I sometimes go for days without drinking pure water. Better to have real vitamin water (not the bottled crap).

Two vegetables that are high in natural sodium are celery and tomatoes. Since I've been putting them in my dinner salads no more recurring leg cramps.

I make a vegan chef salad most medium head of lettuce, toms and celery, carrots, boiled potatoes, beans, and some kind of fruit based dressing (blender) with a smidge of tahini or almond butter for fat (creamy). Also balsamic, mustard, a few olives, etc.

Normal salad spinners are too small, this is more better:

Most WFPB vegans bonk in the short term because they do not get enough calories, in the long term because of insufficient nutrient diversity. The SAD diet is too calorie dense and nutrient deficient, a recipe for chronic diseases. Most days I eat an abnormally large 1st meal of fruit, and an abnormally large salad for dinner.

When shopping for produce look for these 5 characteristic in no particular of priority: fresh, ripe, raw, whole, organic.

Picking the best fruits is an acquired skill of touch and smell. Costco has surprisingly good frozen fruits in 4 lb bags that are good value.

Monday, July 17, 2023

The pernicious effects of the "invented here" bias

All biases can have pernicious effects, and we all have biases, and this is the primary reason scientific research has progressed to modalities that work to remove the degrading consequences of research "infected" with biases. In early science these "bias control" modalities had not been discovered yet, and there were cases where scientists were punished for discovering more accurate views of reality. Perhaps the case of Galileo is the most commonly cited example of this...from a wiki page titled "Galileo Affair":

"Responding to mounting controversy over theology, astronomy and philosophy, the Roman Inquisition tried Galileo in 1633, found him "vehemently suspect of heresy", and sentenced him to house arrest where he remained until his death in 1642."

Of course we're better than that now, right? Well, perhaps not, another way of saying "bias" is belief system, and we all tend to cling to them as if our survival depended on it. And belief systems are more akin to religion than bias-controlled science, where curiosity is the overarching impulse that leads us where it may.

One of the foundation principles of bias controlled science is "the weight of the evidence", or replicability. This is because bias controls are not perfect, and while bias may leak into some studies it is less likely to do so in the majority of studies.

Perhaps the most pernicious of all biases is the "invented here" bias. In fact, it might be said the invented here bias is so widespread that it is responsible for the massive ecological destruction technology wreaks on the planet. 

We humans have an almost blind faith belief that technology will save us from our biggest mistakes...that the new technology will solve all problems caused by the previous technology. And so we are very resistant to seeing the destructively compounding effects of newer and "better" technologies. And the result is the invented here bias is so endemic we generally do not account for it at all.

The Stanford epidemiologist John Ioannidis is probably the most cited epidemiologist in history, and is spearheading an effort to reduce invented here bias in medical research. One of his most cited papers is in fact titled "Why Most Published Research Findings Are False".

Ioannidis says this about himself on his Stanford bio page:

"Some of my most influential papers in terms of citations are those addressing issues of reproducibility, replication validity, biases in biomedical research and other fields, research synthesis methods, extensions of meta-analysis, genome-wide association studies and agnostic evaluation of associations, and validity of randomized trials and observational research."

I think we can say with some confidence as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic the invented here bias in medical research has reached an Icarus-like zenith.

Let me give a few examples of how invented here bias may have infected the topic of vaccines.

1) Natural immunity is discounted, but without it our 150,000 year old species would have vanished before it got started. The same can be said of any species of some duration.

2) And yet, vaccine technology began with Pasteur in about 1880, but widespread adoption didn't began until about 1940.

3) Meanwhile, we have begun to attribute our survival to vaccines, and it seems clear to me that vaccine technology has become more "belief system" than bias-controlled science.

4) And back on the topic of natural immunity, a robustly strong immune system is the sine qua non of all aspects of health, including disease resistance.

5) Finally, viral epidemics and pandemics burn themselves out eventually (refer to point 1), and yet we fail to notice this occurs in the general time frame that vaccines are developed and reach the market. Despite this we attribute the end of viral replicability exclusively to the technology.

And point five is a prime example of invented here bias.

In conclusion, a strong natural immune system is prerequisite to a good life. And strong natural immunity can last into old age. We've traded that for addictive toxic foods, and an inactive lifestyle.

And remind me again which are the most powerful industries on the planet? Big Food and Big Pharma, which profit greatly on our lack of knowledge of the true causes of robust health.

It doesn't have to be that way. Can I recommend a book?

Excess deaths, and the silence

There have been a very high level of excess deaths around the world that cannot be attributed to the covid-19 virus. Typically, after a respiratory virus has run its course, all cause mortality returns to normal levels. But this is not the case currently, and independent medical/health researchers are working with hypotheses as to the causes, but have been having difficulty getting public data released so that they can continue their statistical work. To the best of my knowledge, this is a first in the free world. This data is public (the health care system is for the benefit of the public), and so one wonders...why the delay?

Dr Campbell and Danish researcher Dr Vibeke Manniche continue their conversation:

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Australian government vaccine injury data (finally reported)

On some level it's surprising a major government has gone against BigP's global censorship reach to report this data publicly. The data was reported quite late, so there may have been some "truth hesitancy" at play here. As they say, the truth will out...after all, the vast majority of humans continue to have a conscience.

As seen in the data, there is a huge injury rate difference between all other vaccines and Covid-19 vaccines, approximately 11 minutes into the video, but the entire piece is well worth your while.

And this begs the question: what is the difference between all other vaccines and covid vaccines?

Manipulation of the genome.

So why are big food and big pharma so intent on manipulation of the genome?

1) Profit

2) The ability to side step the painstakingly gradual rate of biological evolution (tens and hundreds of thousands of years).

Call it biological evolution in a minute.

But why does nature work so gradually and painstakingly?

To prevent genetic monstrosities from occurring.

Biology would not be self-sustaining otherwise.

And biology, as I'm fond of saying, continues to be massively underappreciated.

Why is "science" so blinded to the obvious? Hubris and profit.

Details of the report can be seen here:

This conversation is so important

There's a Danish study out showing huge variability in Pfizer covid vaccine batches with some batches causing many severe injuries. Many health scientists from around the world are analyzing the data and none have found flaws in the method or conclusions.

So why is this conversation with one of the authors of the study so important? Because none of the major media outlets are reporting it, they all remain "owned" by the pharma industry. There are few topics more important than population and individual health, and yet we get authoritarian censorship.

Democracy is in trouble. The best we can do at this point is to be personally informed.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Certain batches of the Pfizer vaccine produced 1 suspected adverse event for every 20 doses given

It seems certain batches of the Pfizer vaccine produced 1 suspected adverse event for every 20 doses given. Independent researchers in Denmark did the study.

This is likely unprecedented in the history of vaccines. And (finally) the extent to which BigP has captured regulatory authorities everywhere is becoming more obvious. Even so, most people will remain unaware, as it is very unlikely we'll be hearing about this on the evening "news", where then the real story quickly becomes "how does the pharma industry get away with this?"

Half the revenue of US broadcast media comes from pharma advertising. Why is the US the only country in the world that allows this?

Responsible researchers who keep abreast of research (like Dr John Campbell in the clip below) will be they should be.

I can't really say "enjoy" to this one, but it is better to be informed than kept in the dark.