This topic is critically important because it is the direct cause of the fact the US has the worst health of any developed country by a significant margin, and the US has the most expensive health care system in the world. The pharma industry is raking in obscene levels of profit, even in comparison to the "Robber Baron" era, which was finally reigned in with anti-monopoly legislation that was actually enforced.
Humm, actually enforced. The implication would be then that the government at that point was not also completely corrupt.
So if you'd like to know exactly why the US has the worst health, and why so many of us have "chronic diseases" that require lifetime prescriptions, and why many seniors are on as many as seven prescriptions(!), start here, where a medical doctor turned investor knows the stats on exactly how big is big, when it comes to US health care:
Dr. Eifrig made these points in a recent letter:
- Health care makes up nearly 20% of the U.S. economy.
- It employs over 20 million people.
- At $4.1 trillion, it’s not just bigger than every penny spent nationwide on food, cars, or energy, it’s bigger than all three put together.
- Ask any American which federal department gets the most funding and almost everyone will say defense.
- The DoD is certainly huge, with a nearly $800 billion budget this year.
- But the “winner” is the Department of Health and Human Services. It’s twice as big at $1.6 trillion. Nothing else comes close.
Then watch a brief interview with the author of the new book
Most of us will think, "well, we're stuck, there isn't any other way to get well than to take meds."
And nothing could be further from the truth. Let's talk about biological dysregulation a little bit. The term is nothing more than a fancy way of saying our bodies and health get out of whack for some reason.
For some reason. Which infers we don't know but health care does. And indeed we don't know, but not because it is a big esoteric mystery. We are not being told something, and that something is quite simple. It is that biological dysregulation is from a logistical perspective quite easily fixed in a few steps.
1) Learn why most of the "foods" we think of as healthy are actually not.
This require a little education, but I'll give a shortcut answer here: do not put in your mouth, chew and swallow any "food" that is not whole. That means NO REFINED "foods" (actually toxins) OF ANY KIND. The standard diet is full of sugar, salt, and oil, a very toxic brew, and especially so in combination.
I'm not going to lie to you, this step is the hardest for several reasons. Almost everyone alive today grew up on this diet. We are used to it. The things we are used to we have unconscious associations to survival. Let me give an example of that. People who smoke now know it causes cancer and other health degradations (COPD etc), it's no longer a debate. But their unconscious associations are that smoking is healthy! How is that even possible? It is possible because our unconscious associations HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RATIONAL THINKING. What are the first two things we do when we're born? Suck in air, and then suck mother's breast for our first taste of nourishment. So there is something about sucking deeply embedded in our "instinct structure". We didn't have to go to school to lean how to suck in air, it's an instinct, and yes even humans have instincts too.
To complete this circle of thought, out instincts that exist solely to drive us toward the things that give us the robust health possible are easily hijacked by modern "food science", a vile and despicable industry, if there ever was one. So yes, we are unconscious and unknowing victims of an industry that seeks nothing else than to turn us into lifetime addicts of toxic substances, and that, in a nutshell, goes a hell of a long way toward explaining why the health levels of US citizens is on average, I am sorry to have to say, wretched.
And we don't know this, and it is not explained to us clearly either. And it is not complicated! But we are left in confusion for a reason, we are the "feedstock" for several highly profitable industries.
Do we ever stop and think of ourselves, our friends, our families as "feedstock" to be ground up and fed to highly profitable industries? Not exactly the American Dream is it? To get off that conveyer headed to the grinder the first thing we have to do is wake the fuck up, and realize the situation we're in, and that good old Uncle Sam isn't going to help us on this one....too much profit is being made.
The second thing we have to realize is that the feedstock system requires that we tolerate being reduced to unhealthy biologically dysregulated "junkies". The third thing is to remember how important our health is, it is the foundation for happiness and accomplishment. And the forth thing is to resolve to win our health back because we realize our individual action is the only way it is going to happen...there is no industrial or governmental entity that is going to lead us to it, we have to do it for ourselves. It's a big ask, and whether you'll do it or not depends on how much you want to be happy and healthy.
And let me say one last thing about what the beginning of this post is about, the pharma industry. Yes, unfortunately they are the last link in the feedstock system, they are not going to lead you to health either. And they are lying to you that their medications are going to help, they are rather, on the whole health destructive, in a variety of ways. The first way is by giving you something they have convinced us will help. This is a rouse that keeps us from realizing the truth. And the dysregulation you suffer from by eating crap food? Eating whole foods and nothing else is the only way to fix biological dysregulation! That is because whole foods are the only consumable substances we are biologically adapted to. What do the meds do? They only shift the location of the dysregulation slightly by suppressing symptoms. And worse the dysregulation becomes exponentially more complicated!
This is how seniors end up on seven prescription drugs, and in the worst health of their lives, in a state of massive biological dysregulation.
Really, when you think about it, the feedstock system is a crime against humanity. But there are good soldiers in pharma and the health care industry, and I'll give them this: they know not what they do. Most of them are motivated by an altruistic desire to make a positive contribution. And yes there are also those who are completely corrupt and rationalize it somehow. But you do have to wonder how they can sleep at night. I guess Upton Sinclair said it best:
It's difficult to get a man to realize a thing when his salary depends on his not realizing it".
Does that help us to realize what we are up against? Fortunately the choice is still ours. It's a good one, probably the best one...good luck making it.