An understanding of the cause of health begins with a recognition of the significance of the fact that the body is self healing. We destroy that capacity by degrees however by allowing the ingress of toxins into the body. And yet we create and manufacture toxins, and introduce them into environment, ecology, air, water, and FOOD in unthinkable quantities.
So we must can the most intelligent species be so stupid? How is it we are so bent on self destruction?
An understanding of the cause of health also extends to the psychological "body". Our mind is a function of our is also self healing, and responds to the same constructive forces and conditions that are the cause of health in the entire biological structure of any organism, including us.
Which brings us to technology and the topic of hubris. Somehow we must develop the humility to understand we are not generally omniscient, that our intelligence is limited by our innate biological structure and brain size, as it is in every other species. We are not biologically separate and unique from the rest of nature. Nature is "one", and we are a part of it.
We also must develop an understanding of the biological and psychological structures that are the cause of hubris if we want to survive.
But we love our mythologies that make us "gods", a topic for another time.
If we want to survive we will come to an understanding that technology is equal parts constructive and destructive. Yes, destructive. Obviously technology can be destructive, right? We only have to begin naming the ways. But equally destructive? Yes, and most likely exactly equal.
This lack of recognition of technological destructivity is a fundamental cause of the excessive levels of hubris in our societies dominated by technology. And the lack of recognition is in large part caused by our "love of mythologies".
We want to think of technology as mostly constructive, and for obvious reasons. In the developed world we live amazing lives, far removed from the "exposure to the elements" conditions of living in pure nature.
Nature is a brute force, but one that also forces a completely interdependent relationship with biology. Is it possible we can have a significantly more interdependent relationship with biology, and still have technology too? Can we have our cake and eat it too?
Not exactly, "cake", is the problem, a good enough metaphor for the destructivity of technology. Cake does not exist in nature, it is only possible as a result of the technological refinement of the basic sources of biological energy into toxic and addictive concentrated substances. Those basic sources of energy are the macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Only in whole foods do they exist in their natural form.
And so then why would toxic substances be addictive? Biology is "pre-technological", and our instincts are biological, and exist for the purposes of survival of individual and species in the harsh conditions of nature and exposure to the elements.
The most basic principle of the cause of health is clean energy, clean fuel. We cannot allow toxic substances to enter the body without degradation and destruction of the biological (and psychological) systems of the body. For health we absolutely need clean air, water, and food, and very little else, to enter the body, to fuel and repair the body 24/7/365, birth to death. Technology allows us to fail miserably at doing this correctly. Why? Why are we drawn inexorably to toxic substances? And what is addiction?
First of all it's not our fault. Purveyors of toxic addictive substances want us to blame ourselves so that we will not blame them. They say we eat too much, and we don't exercise enough. There is partial truth in that that becomes the basis of a lie: if we only allowed clean air, water, and foods into our bodies, and very little else, overeating and lack of exercise would never be a problem to begin with. When eating correctly, in accordance with nature, obesity doesn't exist, and we can eat until satisfied every meal, every day. There is absolutely no need to do all the crazy things people do these days trying to lose weight and get healthy.
Living this way we overflow with energy and health, and our bodies crave movement. This is the natural state of living within the parameters of the cause of health.
But we are inexorably drawn to toxic technological substances that are concentrations of the substances that exist in a whole form in nature. In nature "calories" (fuel) is scarce, and we are "wired" (instinctually) to seek and consume fuel, and "concentrations" short circuit the instinctual wiring.
We can overcome addiction, but recidivism is common. I believe this is a result of not getting correct information as to the cause of addiction to begin with. Addiction is basically a function of healthy instincts that are "fritzed" when exposed to technological "foods".
So called "foods" in quotes. Promoting toxic addictive substances that degrade and destroy health by calling them food is unfair, almost criminal really. This is a point that cannot be overemphasized. These substances are not food, they are literally poison. Food is one of the more proximate causes of health, and the food we put into our bodies is under our complete control in the developed world.
My next blog will feature a doctor who discovered the cause of health by accident. Her story is amazing. And illustrative.