Friday, July 30, 2021

Why was the hugely beneficial early treatment of Covid-19 suppressed?

 Dr. Peter McCullough speaking broadly to this question. The implications are obvious, and it's not an overstatement to say the "for profit" power centers of the medical industry are responsible for very effectively suppressing inexpensive, safe, and effective early treatment of Covid-19. These early treatments have been known for years to be safe and effective, and are normally widely used. But not this time, doctors were losing their license to practice medicine if they treated patients early with these drugs.

Dr. McCullough is among the most published and respected medical researchers, and is also a practicing clinician. When he says these widely available inexpensive drugs, used early in the disease progression, are highly effective in preventing hospitalizations and death from Covid-19 we should listen and question the narrative we've been subjected to. These are not wild claims, there are hundreds of legitimate studies from around the world showing the efficacy of these drugs.

Early treatment would have largely negated the need for a new "miracle cure" from one of the most profitable (and hubristic) industries in my memory. This industry (which shall go unnamed in this post) didn't start out corrupt, it became more so over time in an unholy alliance with Wall Street and the capture of DC...on both sides of the aisle. Do we still have a two party system of checks and balances? Sometimes you have to wonder.

There are good and well meaning scientists in this industry. They are not the problem.

This video of Dr. McCullough is on Vimeo, where (apparently) censorship is less likely. It is also detailed, comprehensive, and an hour 45 minutes long. It is also hugely informative, and well worth our time:

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Suppression of Early Treatment is Illegal, Unethical, and Immoral

I'm going to begin this blog with a short video clip titled The Suppression of Early Treatment is Illegal, Unethical, and Immoral, and then dig into how this sort of activity occurred to begin with. Here's the clip, it's three minutes long:

The domination of medicine by big pharma is one thing. We've had that for decades already, and it's become obvious to those of us who are paying attention to health from a "cause of health perspective", as opposed to the cause of disease perspective which has been the basis for all protocols in standard of care medicine. Standard of care in medicine refers to protocols that are legally sanctioned.

Doctors haven't been telling us how to get well for decades, they've been giving us medications that only, in their words, "manage a disease you'll have the rest of your life". Meanwhile pharmacological interventions are a net negative in two ways: they attempt to manage symptoms at the expense of overall health - directly because side effects are a net negative on health, and indirectly because the cause of health is created primarily by a non-toxic and highly nutritious diet.

Other factors (physical activity) are important too of course...but guess what, no one feels like exercising to substantially beneficial degree when overweight and under the weather. The approach that really works to create the cause of health is to FIRST lose the weight (and other symptoms of chronic disease) so that we feel energetic again. THEN we want to move our bodies with vigor "automagically". Except it's not magic, it's biology. Well, maybe the regenerative potential of biology is magic. We can talk about it all we want, but when you experience it for yourself you will say "damn, why didn't anyone tell me about this?"

Well people are telling you. But people are not the final authority - even if they are (the few) MD's who promote "the cause of health diet". I hate to break it to you...big pharma is not really interested in health and healing. It's interest is in the creation of customers for life by banishing "cause of health" conversations from "trusted" public discourse. Now that is a way to build a business! We can't fault big pharma for their business practices from a purely economic perspective. But what if those practices are also illegal, unethical, and immoral? What do we do then? The problem is big pharma has become so economically successful they control more than the standard of care. They also control politics.

We may have been shocked at how long it's been taking to reign in the opioid epidemic which began in the 1990's.

I'm going to quote a line from a paper titled "Drug Companies’ Liability for the Opioid Epidemic" published in the New England Journal of Medicine and can be read at this link

"As with other prescription drugs, it is challenging to persuade a jury that an opioid is defectively designed if the Food and Drug Administration approved it."

And here is a 60 minute piece titled "Did the FDA Ignite the Opioid Crisis?"

It would seem then government is loath to effectively regulate any industry generating big revenues that contribute to GDP (gross domestic product), and line the pockets of all who ride that gravy train.

BTW gravy, which is heated animal fat (the most biologically destructive kind of fat) mixed with refined white flour (also biologically destructive), is toxic.

What isn't toxic? Minimally processed WHOLE foods, mostly plants (as a total percent of calories consumed), with a high proportion of those calories uncooked.

What is toxic? Thinking that supplements and pharmacological prescriptions will "save us" from a toxic diet.

How do we recognize a cause of health diet? Do you still have symptoms of ill health? (The answer is to eat mostly fruits and vegetables.)

Monday, July 19, 2021

Doctors with a conscience are becoming alarmed about medical tyranny

Big Pharma wants to keep us in the dark, but they have a problem. Doctors with a conscience are becoming alarmed about medical tyranny, and are speaking out in greater numbers. Peter McCullough MD is just one example, with a CV a mile long:

"Dr. McCullough is an internationally recognized authority on the role of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state with > 1000 publications and > 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine."

His medical expertise combined with his passion for doing the right thing rings clear as a bell:

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Wikipedia co-founder: I no longer trust the website I created

The sub title of this post could be "The Problem of Creeping Censorship". Or maybe the problem of creepy censorship is better.

Well I could say a lot about this, but I'll just mention one teeny little factoid: science where open debate among recognized experts is not allowed is not science at all. We can call that situation a lot of things, but science is not one of them.

And now let's hear from Larry Sanger, one of the two co-founders of Wikipedia:

Roger Haeske makes sense - 3 tips for Anti-Aging

I just came across Roger, I did not know of him previously. He has a succinct and very good set of three things we all can do to slow, and even reverse to some extent, the effects of aging.


Monday, July 12, 2021

James Hillman on Changing the Object of our Desire

 I've been going on in this blog about hubris in various posts. With the acquisition of power has come hubris. "We've become dominant over nature" is a hubristic statement, which means it's not true. The statement that is accurate, that puts us in accurate relationship with nature, is we think we've become dominant over nature, but it's a delusion, and a lie we tell ourselves to feel powerful. Too powerful to die is the unconscious wish, the feeling of omnipotence that hubris engenders. And the irony of course is if we destroy the soil and oceans we (all life) emerges from, we destroy ourselves also. The idea we will be able to separate from nature sufficiently to transcend biological limitation completely is the ultimate hubris.

This line of thought is the reason I became excited to discover the James Hillman exposition "Changing the Object of our Desire" where he speaks eloquently of the dilemma we currently find ourselves in.


Dr. Doug Graham lectures on The Law of Phenomena

Doug Graham is one of the most interesting people I've met. He knows stuff you didn't even know was stuff, and he has a crystal clear way of explaining it. He's been holding health retreats in Washington State and Costa Rica every year for a long time. Before that he ran a fasting clinic in the Florida Keys for a long time. 

Retreats are organized around a topic which range from introductory for newbies, to advanced for those who want to gain or improve athleticism, to culinary for people who want to know how to make healthy food taste good. In all of the retreats he's focused primarily on two things: making you healthy, and teaching the principles of the cause of health.

His style of teaching is conversational, here's a recent example uploaded to YouTube:

If you're curious about his retreats you can read more here:

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

What Happens To Body When You Go Plant Based! After 1 Hour, 1 Day, 1 Week!

The avalanche of data confirming the disease reversing efficacy of a plant based diet continues:

Welcome to Hotel Hysteria

A True Story: 22 Days Inside a New Zealand Quarantine Facility...courage and grace in the face of authoritarian over reach.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Rupert Sheldrake: Science does not tolerate dissent

A fascinating discussion (link at bottom) with biologist Rupert Sheldrake on the dogma that creeps into science and becomes institutionalized. There are too many examples of scientific reversals to list, but let's start with the basic discovery that the Earth is not the center of the solar system. Copernicus put forth the theory in 1514 that the planets orbit the sun, then Galileo proved it a century later, whereupon he was convicted of heresy and made to spend the rest of his life under house arrest.

Gee, thanks guys!

I'd like to speculate a bit on why scientific dogma (well, any kind of dogma really) is so resistant to change, and to do that I'd like to look at the ongoing denial of a broad range of evidence that what we put in our mouths and swallow is the primary cause of cancer.

Nutritional biochemist T. Colin Campbell unearthed historical evidence for this by spending 1985 in four libraries: the Bodleian Library and the Wellcome Trust Library in Oxford, and the Royal College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Physicians in London. And Campbell presents this data, some of it going back more than a century, in his new book The Future of Nutrition, which I am finding a most fascinating read.

I'm going to encourage everyone to click the link above and read the reviews of this important book. And then go get a copy from the library.

The resistance of established scientific perspective to change is based primarily on three phenomena, the first is the unconscious sense of security we get from "knowing" something, particularly when that "knowing" is institutionalized in the form of collective bodies of expertise. The second resistance is the fear of loss of status. And the third resistance is the defense mounted by a status quo that affords it's practitioners some level of material gain.

Campbell describes the two theories of cancer causation debated a century ago, one being the local causation theory, which is conceptually simple and elegant, and gives rise to local treatment modalities of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. The local cause of cancer, then, is a bit like a broken arm - it's a local problem that has a bio-mechanical fix.

The other is named the nutritional causation theory (or more accurately, the malnutrition causation theory...remember malnutrition is also too much of a nutrient). The nutritional causation theory is systemic, biologically complex, and "messy" from a science perspective. Definitely not what the doctor ordered, armed as he is with anatomical interventions.

And a quick word about the recent additional theory, the genetic theory of cancer causation. It's attractive to the medical establishment because it keeps control of treatment modalities in their hands only. But genes are not the cause of cancer either. This has been shown to be the case in a number of ways, the easiest to wrap our heads around is by looking at populations with inherent very low levels of cancer....incidence of cancer only rises with a deterioration of nutrition. The McDonaldization of China for example. Same population, same genes, but cancer rates only rise with deterioration of diet quality.

We hear a lot about  this "promising" modality. That's because Big P wants it to be true really badly, and they can afford a lot of advertising. (Seen much TV lately?) And as we all know by now, Big P "owns" the medical establishment.

Back to the history...the local theory prevailed for a variety of reasons, nutrition was not well understood a century ago, there was no mechanical leverage for the surgeon, and surgery had become a technological wonder with an influential and growing body of practitioners. The local fix modality was theoretically attractive and profitable. Local treatment modalities were going to eliminate cancer deaths, the problem of course is they didn't.

Campbell has pushed the understanding of nutrition forward tremendously, which can be read in his previous books The China Study, and Whole. Unfortunately the medical establishment, agribusiness, and processed food megaliths are working overtime to repress Campbell's research and insights in every way possible.

In addition to the fact nutrition was not well understood a century ago, the early evidence for nutritional causation was mostly observational: populations that derived the majority of their nutrition from plant foods had very low incidence of cancers to begin with. So local theory prevailed in a blatant example of the way unconscious bias creates a kind of collective denial.

Meanwhile, due in huge part to Campbell's work, the science for the nutritional cause of cancer has become quite compelling in the last few decades, but as mentioned it continues to be ignored and repressed by the dogmatic medical science establishment.

It's a bit like the reaction of medical science to the initial hypothesis that smoke taken into the lungs on a regular basis causes lung cancer, an idea met with derision at the time (and not all that long ago). But it's only a bit like that, as the cancer industry has become a behemoth compared to the tobacco industry, and we also have to consider the international food companies that are basically peddling addiction.

And it's not all that difficult to imagine the consistent introduction of low level toxins into the body for decades can result in cancer.


Back to Sheldrake, and unrelated to cancer. He has been proposing something that established science rejects out of hand, and that something is the idea that there may indeed be something that might be called a sixth sense. My mother was something of a "psychic", which caused me to wonder about so-called psychic phenomena, and being inclined to fiddle around with electronic circuits it seemed to me the mechanism for those phenomena would really be quite simple: our nervous system is a "transceiver" (transmitter and receiver) that would be acutely attuned to other mammalian "transceivers", particularly those of the human variety, as the structures are nearly identical.

Briefly, when we put an electric voltage thru a conductor an electromagnetic wave is propagated out from the conductor. These waves can travel distances (think of radio waves). But "electro-physics" has yet to discover a "sixth sense" as these tiny waves, emanating from the very tiny complex structures of the nervous system, would be infinitesimal relative to the sensitivity of current measuring devices. In addition, even if we could measure them, then we would have to interpret them. As Campbell points out frequently, biology is exceedingly complex.

Here, as promised, the fascinating Sheldrake conversation: Science does not tolerate dissent:

Monday, July 5, 2021


An in depth interview of Dr Alan Goldhamer, founder of True North Health Center in Santa Rosa California.

Friday, July 2, 2021

BBC - If junk food is so bad for us...why are we so addicted to it?

Here's one answer in a short 9 minutes - a UK doctor switches of an 80% processed food diet for 30 days, with lab work before and after.